Thursday, February 19, 2015

Put Me in the Zoo

Author: Miranda Ricketts 

Topic: Language Arts
Grade Level: Kindergarten

Common Core
RL.K.1 – With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Lesson Objective: After reading Put Me in the Zoo the students will participate in open discussion, in which they will discuss key details of the story and form a spotted cat display stating the key details on the spots. Following the discussion students will use crayons and a pencil to draw an illustration of the key details of the story and write a short sentence describing the key detail. They will also brainstorm what they would do if they had magic spots. They will draw an illustration and write a few short sentences describing what they would do with their spots. Then they will put them up for everyone to see.

Lesson Materials: Computer, Smart board, microphone, crayons, journals, pencils, and graphic organizers.
Instructional Lesson Methods and Assessment
Anticipatory Set

  • This lesson will begin by discussing what it means to identify key details in a story. I will first define “details” and then I will the familiar book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we have read multiple times to provide the students with an example of a key detail.

    • Image result for very hungry caterpillar
    • As I point out key details for students I will list them on the board in a graphic organizer.
    • Finally, I will encourage the students to point out a few key details and list their details with mine.
    • After introducing the objective of the lesson I will introduce the book Put Me in the Zoo to the students. I will display the book on the smart bard and use a pointer to point out the title and characters as I discuss them.
    • We will read the book together. I will point to each word as I read, demonstrating the appropriate pattern of left to right and top to bottom.
    • I will spend time on each page reviewing the text and illustrations with the students. I will point out the key details of each page as they are read and focus on answering the questions where, when, why, and how.
    • I will also pause on familiar words and encourage students to read them out loud with me.
    • After we finish the story I will again remind the students what it means to pick out key details and refer them to the graphic organizer we made for the first book.
    • Then I will encourage the students to discuss with their neighbor the key ideas of the book.
    • Next we will again engage in an open discussion of the key details of the book. We will also address the questions where, when, why, and how. I will ask the students “Where did the story take place?” and “Why does he want to be in the zoo?”
    • As the students present key details they will write them on a spot to place on a large picture of the cat at the front of the room. 
    • Each student will make at least one spot.
    • After reading the story and discussing the key details the students will use crayons and a pencil to draw an illustration of a key detail and write a short sentence to describe the detail in their journal.
    • Then the students will brainstorm what they would do if they had magic spots and  illustrate their ideas. They will also use a pencil to write a few short sentences describing what the character does with his spots. This will be placed on the wall next to the cat.

    Recognition “What”
    Multiple means of Representation
    Strategic “How”
    Multiple means of Action and Expression
    Affective “Why”
    Multiple means of Engagement
    1.1   Customize the display of information.

    The teacher will use the smart board to project the book into a larger format for better view. The teacher will also utilize a microphone system to ensure all students can hear the story.

    The students will verbally discuss key details, illustrate key details, and write a sentence describing the key details of the book Put Me In The Zoo.
    7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy
    I will increase individual choice and autonomy by allowing the students to express their opinions and ideas in their journal entries, worksheets, and verbally in class.
    1.3       Provide alternatives for visual information
    The lights will be dimmed during the viewing of the story on the smart board so everyone can see it properly.
    I will utilize the computer, smart board, and microphone system to assist students.
    7.3 Reduce threats and distractions
    The teacher will reduce threats and distractions by maintaining a calm controlled classroom with a closed door. Students will follow routines for class lessons.
    2.1       Define vocabulary and     symbols
    The teacher will define new words including “zoo”, “spots”, and “stay” to clarify understanding for students.
    I will monitor student understanding verbally before the lesson and both verbally and with journal entries after the lesson.
    8.3 Foster collaboration and communication
    The teacher will foster collaboration and communication through open monitored discussion.

    Introduce and Model New Knowledge 
    • I will introduce new knowledge by first providing student with a definition of "key details"
    • I will model new knowledge by providing students with an example of key details from a familiar book.
    • I will display the book for the students to refer to and point out the key details in the book. 
    • As I point out key details for students I will list them on the board in a graphic organizer.
    • I will use the book Put Me in the Zoo to introduce new literature and pinpoint key details.
    • I will use the smart board to project the books in a larger format to ensure all students can see.
    • We will pick out key details from the book and create a new graphic organizer together. 
    • I will encourage all students to participate in listing details and providing input.  

    Recognition “What”
    Multiple means of Representation
    Strategic “How”
    Multiple means of Action and Expression
    Affective “Why”
    Multiple means of Engagement
    The teacher will use the smart board to project books in a larger format.

    The students will verbally discuss key details, illustrate key details, and write a sentence describing the key details.
    7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy
    I will increase individual choice and autonomy by allowing the students to express their opinions and ideas in their journal entries.
    The teacher will utilize a microphone device to ensure all students can hear
    I will utilize the computer, smart board, dry erase board, and microphone system to assist students.
    7.3 Reduce threats and distractions
    The teacher will reduce threats and distractions by maintaining a calm controlled classroom with a closed door. Students will follow routines for class lessons.
    2.1       Define vocabulary and       symbols
    The teacher will define new words including “zoo”, “spots”, and “stay” to clarify understanding for students.
    5.1 Allow choices of media for communication
    The students will communicate verbally in conversation, visually with a list on the board, and by viewing the illustrations in the book.
    The teacher will vary levels of challenge by presenting the information with examples first. Then breaking the book down page by page. Finally, the challenge will increase by directing the students to provide the key details of the book as a whole.
    3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge
    The teacher will use a familiar book from previous lessons to utilize background knowledge.
    I will monitor student understanding verbally before the lesson and both verbally and with journal entries after the lesson.
    8.3 Foster collaboration and communication
    The teacher will foster collaboration and communication through open monitored discussion.
    3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
    The teacher will guide the children in discussing key details of the story and answering questions such as where, what, when, why, and how.

    Guided Practice 

    • After reading the book Put me in the Zoo I will remind the students of what a “key detail” pertains to refer them to the graphic organizer on the board.
    • The students will discuss with their neighbor the key details of the story.
    • I will monitor the student’s discussion by patrolling the room and casually interacting with the students.
    • The students and I will engage in conversation pinpointing the key details of the story and answering the where, when, how, and why questions about the story.
    • I will give each of the students a circle of paper in different colors. These circles will be the dots on the cat. Then each student will name a key detail and write it on their dot. I will assist the students in writing their detail correctly. When the students finish they will take the dot to the front of the room and stick it to a large picture of the cat that is posted on the wall. 

    • After discussing key details the students and I will review their new cat and discuss how they came to these conclusions and if they are all relevant.

    Recognition “What”
    Multiple means of Representation
    Strategic “How”
    Multiple means of Action and Expression
    Affective “Why”
    Multiple means of Engagement
    The teacher will utilize a microphone device to ensure all students can hear
    I will utilize the computer, smart board, dry erase board, and microphone system to assist students.
    8.3 Foster collaboration and communication
    The teacher will foster collaboration and communication through monitored group discussion.
    3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge
    The teacher will use a familiar book from previous lessons to utilize background knowledge.
    5.1 Allow choices of media for communication
    The students will communicate verbally in conversation, visually with a list on the board, and by viewing the illustrations in the book.
    Through discussions and review the teacher will observe and provide mastery oriented feedback
    3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
    The teacher will guide the children in discussing key details of the story and answering questions such as where, what, when, why, and how.
    The teacher will use graphic organizers to help students better organize the information. Additionally, the students will follow class rules of respect and raising your hand during discussions.
    By reviewing conclusions and discussing relevance the teacher will help students develop self-assessment and reflections skills.
    I will monitor student understanding verbally before the lesson and both verbally and with journal entries after the lesson.

    Independent Practice 

    • I will choose a key detail to demonstrate and draw an illustration of the detail for the students. Then I will write a short sentence describing the illustration below my picture as an example for the students.
    • I will refer the student to the spotted cat we created in the front of the room. The will choose a key detail from the cat. They will draw a picture that depicts the detail and write descriptive sentence below the picture in their journals.
    • The students will also brainstorm what they would do if they had magic spots and draw their idea on a blank piece of paper with a short written description of their idea. These pictures will be displayed in the classroom next to the cat on the wall. 

    Recognition “What”
    Multiple means of Representation
    Strategic “How”
    Multiple means of Action and Expression
    Affective “Why”
    Multiple means of Engagement
    The teacher will refer to the graphic organizer displayed on the dry erase board and demonstrate an illustration for the students.
    4.2 Provide varied ways to interact with materials
    The teacher will allow students to respond with an illustration of their choice and a sentence of their choice. Additionally, the students will use paper, crayons and pencils for this assignment.
    By requiring the student to create a journal entry consisting of 2 illustrations and 2 sentences the teacher is varying the levels of challenge for students. Additionally, during this activity the teacher will be available to provide students with support needed to complete the assignment.
    The teacher will support memory by referring to graphic organizers and support transfer by allowing students to demonstrate understanding with an illustration of their choice.
    Throughout the lesson the teacher modeled the objective for the students. Then she will allow the students to practice the goal in the form of verbal communication and journal entries.


    • To wrap up the lesson the students will share their journal entries with the class. 
    • They will stand at the front of the room and display their pictures and read their sentence. 
    • They students will tell why they chose this key detail to draw. 
    • The student will also hang up their ideas of what they would do with magic spots on the wall at this time. They will describe their pictures to their classmates.
    • I will review each student’s journal entries to evaluate student understanding.
    • I will review the key details of the story by referring to the graphic organizer on the board, the cat on the wall, and verbally reviewing them before concluding the lesson.

    Recognition “What”
    Multiple means of Representation
    Strategic “How”
    Multiple means of Action and Expression
    Affective “Why”
    Multiple means of Engagement
    1.1   Customize the display of information.

    The teacher will use the smart board to project the book into a larger format for better view. The teacher will also utilize a microphone system to ensure all   students can hear the story.
    I will utilize the computer, smart board, dry erase board, and microphone system to assist students.
    8.3 Foster collaboration and communication
    The teacher will foster collaboration and communication through monitored group discussion.
    1.2     Provide alternatives for visual information
    The lights will be dimmed during the viewing of the story on the smart board so everyone can see it properly.
    Through discussions and review the teacher will observe and provide mastery oriented feedback
    3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge
    The teacher will use a familiar book from previous lessons to utilize background knowledge.
    3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
    The teacher will guide the children in discussing key details of the story and answering questions such as where, what, when, why, and how.


    • I will evaluate the students during the beginning of the lesson by engaging them in an open discussion of the key details of a previously read book. 
    • I will evaluate the students at the end of the lesson by again engaging them in an open discussion about the key details of the book Put Me In The Zoo.  
    • I will compare notes from the two conversations to document student improvements in understanding. 
    • I will review students dot sentences for understanding of key details and use this as a learning opportunity for the students. I will provide them with positive feedback and guidance.
    • I will encourage students to reflect upon own conclusions and discuss relevance.
    • I  will use the student’s journal entries and creative illustrations of what they could do with magic spots to evaluate students understanding of writing from left to write and leaving appropriate spacing between words. 
    • I will also evaluate their pictures and journal sentences for understanding of the lesson goals. 
    Formative (Informal – must be a written assessment)

    Recognition “What”
    Multiple means of Representation
    Strategic “How”
    Multiple means of Action and Expression
    Affective “Why”
    Multiple means of Engagement
    The teacher will support memory by referring to graphic organizers and support transfer by allowing students to demonstrate understanding with an illustration of their choice.
    I will monitor student understanding verbally before the lesson and both verbally and with journal entries after the lesson.
    9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection
    By reviewing conclusions and discussing relevance the teacher will help students develop self-assessment and reflections skills.

    UDL Assignment Rubric

    Evaluation Areas
    Exceeds Expectations
    Meets Expectations
    Does Not Meet
    25-23 points
    22 -20 points
    19- less
    Multiple Means of Representation
    Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist filled out)
    Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist filled out)
    Project incorporates  2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist partially filled out)
    Multiple Means of Action and Expression
    Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist filled out)
    Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the UDL framework
    Project incorporates  2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist partially filled out)
    Multiple Means of Engagement
    Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist filled out)
    Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist filled out)
    Project incorporates  2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework
    (checklist partially filled out)
    Multimedia Elements
    Project contains a wide variety of graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
    Project contains a few  graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
    Project contains a variety of graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
    Overall editing is accurate and presentation is effective (spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting,  font, text size, esthetics, etc)
    Some basic editing and presentation mistakes  (spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting,  font, text size, esthetics, etc)
    Several editing and presentation  mistakes
    Overall Total Points

    I. Multiple Means of Representation ensures that the Recognition networks of students are supported

    Specific UDL Accommodations (1.1 – 3.4)

    Key Elements
    Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated

    Where in the project?
    (Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Independent practice. Wrap up
    Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice, Wrap up
    Anticipatory set 
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge
    Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice, Wrap up
    Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice, Wrap up
    Independent practice, Assessment 

    II. Multiple Means of Action and Expression ensures that the Strategic networks of students are supported

     Specific UDL Accommodations (4.1 – 6.4)

    Key Elements
    Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated

    Where in the project?
    (Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge 
    Independent practice
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice, Wrap up 
    Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice
    Independent practice
    Guided practice
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice, Assessment  

    III. Multiple Means of Engagement ensures that the Affective networks of students are supported

         Specific UDL Accommodations (7.1 – 9.3)

    Key Elements
    Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated

    Where in the project?
    (Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge 
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge 
    Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Independent practice
    Anticipatory set, Introducing and modeling new knowledge, Guided practice,Wrap up 
    Guided practice, Wrap up
    Guided practice, Assessment 

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